Technology Now and Tomorrow (TNT)
The Technology Now and Tomorrow course is a full-year course that will introduce students to a variety of technology-related topics including engineering, robotics, and computer science. This course will provide foundational technology skills needed for careers in the future. Students will complete 12-week rotations through each of the three components. Completion of this introductory level program is required for students to enroll in further studies of engineering, robotics, and computer science.
In the engineering cycle, students will learn to interpret and develop technical drawings, gain experience using 3D solid modeling software, and build 3-dimensional objects using 3D printers. Finally, students will be introduced to the Engineering Design Process and FabLab equipment for use in hands-on problem-solving exercises.
In the robotics cycle, students will be introduced to the hardware and software systems of a typical robot. Students will work with both virtual and physical robots, programming them to perform various tasks. In the process, students will learn about how robots sense, move through, and make changes to their environments. Int the process, students will learn how robots sense, move through, and make changes to their environments.
In the computer science cycle, students will learn to develop problem-solving techniques commonly used in programming using the Python programming language. Topics covered will include variables, conditionals, loops, and functions.