CM Course Catalog Pro

    Courses Found: 23

    • Introduction to Culinary Skills 1

      Introduction to Culinary Skills is a one semester course for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are interested in becoming...

    • Introduction to Culinary Skills 2

      Introduction to Culinary Skills 2 is a one semester course that builds on the skills learned in Introduction to Culinary...

    • Global Foods

      Global Foods explores the connections between what we eat and the culture around us. In this course, students will explore...

    • Personal Nutrition

      This course is designed to prepare students to become self-sufficient in the kitchen in all aspects from planning, preparation, and...

    • Child Care and Development 1 (Nursery School Experience)

      This course involves the practical application of child development in a specially designed nursery school for three- and four-year-old children...

    • Child Care and Development 2 (Nursery School Experience)

      This class provides a complete hands-on experience for students by working with and teaching three- and four-year-olds each day in...

    • Child Growth and Development

      This one semester course encourages an understanding of all aspects of children’s physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral development. Growth...

    • Interior Design

      This course is designed to expose the student to the basic principles needed to furnish a home. Color, furniture styles,...

    • Fashion Design and Construction

      This is a one semester course for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors interested in Fashion Design and Construction. This course...

    • Practical Living

      Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live on your own or how much money you will need to...

    • HN Advanced Engineering

      This honors-level course is intended for students who have an interest in pursuing engineering or related fields in college. The...

    • Introduction to Architecture

      This course provides the opportunity for students to design and develop a residential home from rough sketches to a detailed...

    • Advanced Architecture

      This course is designed for students who have an interest in pursuing architecture or a related field in college. Students...

    • Independent Study - Design and Development

      This course gives students an opportunity to develop specialized knowledge and skills in architecture or engineering. Students will research an...

    • Technology Design and Development

      Using relevant hands-on activities, students will develop an understanding and appreciation of how transportation, construction, and communication systems affect our...

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