AP French Language
This course emphasizes the development of active communicative language proficiency. The world language is the primary means of communication in this class which focuses on speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills. Fluency and accuracy are stressed. These skills are practiced in a context centered on authentic language materials, oral and written reactions to these materials, an oral proficiency based text, as well as partner/group interactions and individual/group presentations. A thorough review of French grammar is also completed to prepare for college French. This course is designed for intellectually curious and hard-working students, who, as self-starters, are expected to progress quickly and become quite proficient in a second language while still in high school. Discussions on various topics are numerous and are the highlight of the curriculum. Writing and speaking portfolios will assist students in recognizing and valuing their own progress. This course is designed for students who are interested in a challenging course and who will sit for the AP test in their senior year at their own expense.
Teacher Recommendation