Open to students in grades 9-12, this semester course is designed to give students an introduction to several important topics...
Open to juniors and seniors, this course focuses on the systematic study of human behavior and the mental and experiential...
Honors Biology Topics is a two-semester course offered as an elective to motivated junior and senior students who are interested...
This is a two-semester course that emphasizes the application of science to criminal investigation. Students will apply the foundations of...
This is a two-semester course based on principles and procedures employed in criminal and civil investigations and introductory analyses performed...
Environmental science is certainly one of the most applicable science courses available to students. The focus of the course is...
This course is for students who want to begin a first or second world language or for students who have...
This course is for students who want to begin a first or second world language or for students who have...
This course provides a review and continuation of the middle school French program and the Passport to French course. There...
The course objectives and content of French 2 are included in this course, but they are expanded to include more...
This third-year course continues the proficiency approach to world language study. Listening comprehension and speaking continue to be stressed. The...
The course objectives and content of French 3 are included in this course, but they are expanded to include more...
This course offers students the opportunity to improve speaking skills through communicative partner activities and class discussions on cultural topics...
This course offers a dual purpose: to provide the student with opportunities to converse on topics of current significance and...
This course emphasizes the development of active communicative language proficiency. The world language is the primary means of communication in...
Courses Found: 42