English 9
Primary areas of study in Academic English 9 are literature, composition, oral communication, and language skills. Literature study includes the five major genres: short story, novel, nonfiction, drama, and poetry. …
English 9 Read MoreUpper St. Clair School District
Unity Success Character
Primary areas of study in Academic English 9 are literature, composition, oral communication, and language skills. Literature study includes the five major genres: short story, novel, nonfiction, drama, and poetry. …
English 9 Read MorePrimary areas of study in MYP English 9 are literature, composition, oral communication, and language skills. Literature study includes the five major genres: short story, novel, nonfiction, drama, and poetry. …
MYP English 9 Read MoreThe emphasis of the honors ninth grade program is on literature, literary genres, research, and composition. The literature is presented by genre: prose, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, tragedy, and comedy. Students …
HN English 9 Read MoreThe emphasis of the honors ninth grade program is on literature, literary genres, research, and composition. The literature is presented by genre: prose, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, tragedy, and comedy. Students …
MYP HN English 9 Read MoreThe objective of this course is to emphasize reading and writing through the study of universal themes reflected in the literature of various cultures and perspectives. Areas of concentration include …
English 10 Read MoreThe objective of this course is to emphasize reading and writing through the study of universal themes reflected in the literature of numerous cultures and eras. Areas of concentration include …
MYP English 10 Read MoreHonors English 10 offers motivated students a survey of various genres of literature from ancient Greece and to modern authors. Throughout the study of core works and supplemental novels, students …
HN English 10 Read MoreMYP Honors English 10 offers motivated students a survey of classic literature of western civilization. Students will study various genres of literature from ancient Greece and the classic writers of …
MYP HN English 10 Read More