CM Course Catalog Pro

    Courses Found: 176

    • Music Theory & Technology

      The Music Theory and Technology program was developed as a fundamentals of music course intended for students who are giving...

    • AP Music Theory

      Advanced Placement (AP) Music Theory is designed to provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that of an introductory...

    • Men's Ensemble

      Men's Ensemble is an elective course open to male students in grades 9-12. The Men’s Ensemble is one of four...

    • Women's Chorus

      Women's Chorus is an elective course open to female students in Grade 9 who are interested in participating in a...

    • Clarion Choir

      Clarion Choir is open to all female students in grades 9-12 who are interested in participating in a performing choral...

    • Pantheon Choir

      The Pantheon Choir is a mixed choir of female and male students. Students must audition for this ensemble. Auditions will...

    • Wellness Education 9

      Wellness Education is a requirement for all students in grades 9, 10, and 11. Wellness 9 is a required two...

    • MYP Wellness Education 9

      Wellness Education is a requirement for all students in grades 9, 10, and 11. Wellness 9 is a required two...

    • AP Computer Science A

      In this course, students cover the material found on the APCS test. In addition to the test material, students will...

    • IB Computer Science SL

      This course will introduce students to the field of computer science. Topics covered include computer and network organization, system fundamentals,...

    • Multimedia Journalism 1

      This workshop-based course will provide students with practical experience in the various skills involved in working in the media and...

    • Multimedia Journalism 2

      This workshop-based course will provide students with the opportunity to concentrate in an advanced media and communication skills area of...

    • Multimedia Journalism - Print Journalism

      This workshop-based course will provide students with practical experience in the various skills involved in working in the print media...

    • Theater Arts/Acting

      Students will study various aspects of the performing arts. Students will work on monologues, scenes, voice and speech, improvisation, movement,...

    • HN IB Math SL Analysis and Approaches (Standard Level – 2nd Year of Two Year Course)

      The Mathematics Standard Level is designed to provide a background of mathematical thought and a reasonable level of technical ability....

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