Pantheon Choir
The Pantheon Choir is a mixed choir of female students from grades 11-12 and male students in grades 10-12. Students must audition for this ensemble. Auditions will be held the week before course selection sheets are due. As part of the course, members study vocal techniques and advanced elements of music at a higher level than the other performing groups. The Pantheon Choir has performed with the Pittsburgh Symphony and The River City Brass Band. A favorite tradition is the performance in December on the steps of the Allegheny County Courthouse. The Chanteclairs are selected from the Pantheon Choir. All coursework is completed during class except for the occasional evening rehearsals (if necessary), and a minimum of three annual concerts, which are mandatory. Students receive regular grades as in academic subjects. Students in this ensemble are required to pay a Wardrobe Fee of $30.00.
Director Recommendation Through an Audition, Participation in a Choral Group the Preceding Year