Parkway AM or PM
Students who have an interest in vocational-technical education may take advantage of the program offered at Parkway West Career and Technology Center. The school is supported by 12 school districts in southwestern Allegheny County and serves high school students and adults from each of these districts. Its building is to be considered as a part of Upper St. Clair High School and its courses offer a broadening of our school’s curriculum. Each year a representative of Parkway West comes to our school to present the Parkway West programs to rising ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade students. Students attend Parkway West for a half- day each morning or afternoon for instruction and return to the high school for a schedule of English, related requirements and electives. Each student who successfully completes the courses at Parkway West and the requirements for graduation at his home high school will receive a diploma from the home school and a certificate of achievement from Parkway West. Students receive four Upper St. Clair credits per semester upon successful completion of the work. Tuition and transportation are provided by the Upper St. Clair School District. However, students who begin a two-year program in the senior year and wish to continue the program as a post graduate student must provide their own tuition and transportation for the second year of the program. Parents and/or students interested in seeing the facilities at Parkway West are encouraged to call our high school counseling department. Arrangements can be made to see the school during day or evening hours.