HN English 11
Honors English 11 offers motivated students an opportunity to study fiction and non-fiction pieces of American literature organized around guiding themes: Loss and disillusionment, alienation, nature, and conflicts. Students will write a variety of expository, analytical, and argumentative assignments, including a formal research paper. Independent vocabulary and grammar programs help students improve their literacy, prepare for SAT and ACT exams, and refine their writing style. The course also offers students opportunities to present formally and informally.
**Pending School Board approval, this course will NOT be offered for 2025-26.**
Departmental Recommendation and Passing Grade for Both Semesters of English 10
Start date | End date | Start time | End time | Grade | Course Type | Term Length | Credits | Meetings | Class ID | Price | |
01.01.1970 | 01.01.1970 | 00:00 | 00:00 | -A |