This elective is available to all students in grades 9-12, offers students an opportunity to develop mastery, poise, and style...
AP World History is open to students in grades 10-12. It is a rigorous, college-level course designed to explore human...
Advanced Placement United States History is designed for juniors and seniors who are highly motivated and have a strong interest...
AP Comparative Government and Politics (Fall)
AP Comparative Government and Politics is open to students in grades 10-12 in the fall semester. The course introduces students...
AP US Government and Politics (Spring)
AP United States Government and Politics is open to students in grades 10-12 in the spring semester. The course introduces...
This one-semester course open to juniors and seniors is an introductory survey of the American free market system, and the...
AP Macroeconomics & AP Microeconomics
Advanced Placement Economics is designed for juniors and seniors who have a strong interest in economics and are highly motivated....
IB Economics is designed for juniors and seniors who have a strong interest in economics and are highly motivated. The...
College in High School American Law and Justice
College in High School (CHS) American Law and Justice is a full year, junior or senior course, offered in partnership...
College in High School 21st Century Global Affairs
College in High School (CHS) 21st Century Global Affairs is a one-semester course offered in partnership with Robert...
Students who enroll in this course will learn about the aspects of personal finance and how to make positive financial...
Integrated Studies: Service Learning and Social Entrepreneurship
Service Learning and Social Entrepreneurship integrates civic responsibility with an academic and pre-professional curriculum. Students meet real needs in the...
Courses Found: 12