CM Course Catalog Pro

    Courses Found: 24

    • Advanced Technology Design and Development

      This course offers an advanced study of technological systems in which the students will research and develop a technological system...

    • HN Steam Innovation and Consulting

      Students enrolled in the Upper St. Clair STEAM Innovation and Consulting course work alongside students enrolled in sister courses at...

    • Home Repair and Maintenance

      This course provides the opportunity for students to learn basic hands-on DIY skills that are practical for future homeowners. Students...

    • Partners in SHOP@USC

      This course is designed for 10, 11, or 12th grade students who have a strong desire to partner with students...

    • Introduction to Culinary Skills 1 (Self-Paced)

      Introduction to Culinary Skills (Self-Paced) is a one semester course for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are interested in...

    • Technology Now and Tomorrow (TNT)

      The Technology Now and Tomorrow course is a full-year course that will introduce students to a variety of technology-related topics...

    • Intermediate Engineering

      Intermediate Engineering is a semester long course that builds on the engineering skills from Technology Now and Tomorrow (TNT). Students...

    • Intermediate Robotics

      Intermediate Robotics is a semester-long course that builds on the robotics skills from Technology Now and Tomorrow (TNT). Students will...

    • HN Advanced Robotics

      Honors Advanced Robotics is a year-long, honors-level course that focuses on competition-level robotics challenges. This class will require students to...

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